LeviSelect Tissue RBC Depletion Kit

Realize a lysis-free workflow

Unwanted red blood cells (RBC) can now be effectively removed from tissue in a lysis-free. The LeviSelect™ Tissue RBC Depletion Kits for mouse or human can be used to remove contaminating RBCs from primary tissue-derived single-cell suspensions. Combined with viable cell enrichment on the LeviCell® platform, sample quality can be greatly improved without cell death or transcriptional changes.

Levitate untouched viable cells of interest with LeviSelect

LeviSelect Depletion and Enrichment Kits provide a fast and efficient method to deplete a specific cell type away from a mixture of cells or remove several unwanted cell populations. Enrich for untouched viable specific cells of interest (negative selection) while unwanted cells remain in the LeviCell cartridge. In both kit types, the cells of interest remain label-free, ensuring cells are not perturbed.

RBC removal in real-time

To display RBC removal in realtime, PBMCs were spiked with RBCs that were labeled with Calcein AM and CellTracker Red respectively and run on the LeviCell EOS in parallel. With LeviSelect RBC depletion (Lane 2) as compared to no depletion control sample (Lane 3), the red stained RBC band has disappeared from the levitating viable cells in the top fraction. The relative intensity band width, as displayed by LeviMetrics™, is narrower than when the RBCs remain in the sample.

Remove RBCs and obtain better sample quality

Every workflow step can introduce variation, cell loss, apoptotic pathways, or change gene expression profiles. Using Levitation Technology™ and the LeviCell platform, researchers can now streamline their workflow when processing primary tissue by simultaneously removing RBC contamination from tissue and enriching for viable cells of interest.

Mouse Splenocytes - RBC Depletion

Reliable, agnostic method

Confidently remove RBCs from a variety of tissue types and rescuse low-quality or limited quantity samples. Tested with mouse lung, spleen (as shown in the figure), pancreas, brain, and liver – maximize sample and assay potential using Levitation Technology.

Increase sequencing resolution

RBC lysis results in high-levels of ambient RBC-associated genes such as Hba-a1. As a result, background noise can be seen across all cell populations which require filtering (as seen in the figure with mouse splenocytes). Remaining signal after filtering displays incomplete lysis of precursor or mature RBCs.

With LeviSelect Tissue RBC Depletion, there is complete removal of any ambient RNA signal providing high quality sequencing resolution of only the cells of interest.

Reduce wasted reads and bring true biology into focus

With LeviSelect’s Tissue RBC Depletion Kit, both precursor and mature RBCs are removed simultaneously with viable cell enrichement. As seen with scRNA-seq, a significant portion of reads are wasted using RBC lysis.

Maximize resources by sequencing only the cells of interest for higher resolution.

Ordering info

Are you ready to upgrade your sample preparation and increase data reliability?

LeviSelect kits

LeviSelect kits can be purchased directly through your local Account Manager. 

Limited supplies of new early access kits are now released. Reserve your kit here.

Depletion Kits

Kit size: 10 rxns / kit

The LeviSelect Mouse Tissue RBC Depletion Kit has been designed to deplete up to 5 million mature erythrocyte and erythroid precursor cells per reaction after a mechanical or enzymatic tissue dissociation while simultaneously enriching for live cells.

  • Includes Mouse RBC Ab Cocktail, SAV Nanospheres, buffer and protocol
  • Average 20 min run for removal of RBCs and enrichment of viable cells away from debris and dead cells

Kit size: 10 rxns / kit

The LeviSelect Human Tissue RBC Depletion Kit has been designed to deplete up to 5 million mature erythrocyte and erythroid precursor cells per reaction after a mechanical or enzymatic tissue dissociation while simultaneously enriching for live cells.

  • Includes Human RBC Ab Cocktail, SAV Nanospheres, buffer and protocol
  • Average 20 min run for removal of RBCs and enrichment of viable cells away from debris and dead cells

  • Product Data Sheet (Coming Soon)